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She's petite, 5'2, and fairly muscular, perfectly defined abs, arms, legs are proof of her training and exercise program. She seems to have no scars on her body, one tattoo on her lower back reads firecracker in red, orange and yellow, pierced ears are the only other thing visible. Her bust nothing to stare at but a firm C cup, her hips curvaceous from child bearing, her age could be placed anywhere from 19-22. Her green eyes are pale, almost eerie at times, they change only with her moods, becoming a darker emerald color when angry or upset. Heart shaped lips are usually frowning these days but when she smiles and shows off her pearly whites, she can be quite the charmer. When thinking she has this odd little habit of chewing her lower lip. Her hair is longer now and usually in loose lazy curls which are natural along with chestnut color

On her left wrist is a double stranded white gold bracelet, holding tiny diamond flowers and on her right thumb is a plain black onyx band and on her right ring finger is a silver ring with the Tremere crest upon it.

In a shoulder holster or tucked into her pants is a Sig Sauer P220, also carries a marine combat knife and a Schmeisser pistol is at her ankle though it's small enough to usually go unnoticed.
ed hair.

Mortal Claim to Fame: Pit Fighter named Firecracker

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Livia Emerald Eyre